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    Ipneler maalesef T?rkiye'nin en winner camias? futbol da. 60 kupaya ula?acaklar biz ve fb 35 kupaya ula?amad?k daha. Le? gibi y?netimlerle oyuncularla hocalarla bile ?ampiyon oluyorlar. Son iki ?ampiyonluklar? tam skandal. O kadar k?t? bir tak?m nas?l ?ampiyon oldu 2015 de diyordum 2018 de ayn?s? oldu.

    Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk

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      Aslı Hamit Bektas tarafından Gönderilmiş Mesajı göster
      Ipneler maalesef T?rkiye'nin en winner camias? futbol da. 60 kupaya ula?acaklar biz ve fb 35 kupaya ula?amad?k daha. Le? gibi y?netimlerle oyuncularla hocalarla bile ?ampiyon oluyorlar. Son iki ?ampiyonluklar? tam skandal. O kadar k?t? bir tak?m nas?l ?ampiyon oldu 2015 de diyordum 2018 de ayn?s? oldu.

      Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk

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        Aslı Hamit Bektas tarafından Gönderilmiş Mesajı göster
        Ipneler maalesef T?rkiye'nin en winner camias? futbol da. 60 kupaya ula?acaklar biz ve fb 35 kupaya ula?amad?k daha. Le? gibi y?netimlerle oyuncularla hocalarla bile ?ampiyon oluyorlar. Son iki ?ampiyonluklar? tam skandal. O kadar k?t? bir tak?m nas?l ?ampiyon oldu 2015 de diyordum 2018 de ayn?s? oldu.

        Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
        Maalesef b?yle. Son 20 y?lda sadece bizle oynad?klar? s?per kupa ma??nda yenilmisler. Bir de 4 sene ?nce fenerbahceye s?per kupada penalt?larla yenilmisler.bi ?ekilde terim de olunca ?anslar? bitmiyor. Yine de 2015te son hafta sahalar?nda demba ba'n?n kafas? direkten d?nmese bunlar yerine fener 4.y?ld?z? tak?yordu.

        SM-N950F cihaz?mdan Tapatalk kullan?larak g?nderildi

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          "UEFA, Galatasaray'a 6 milyon Avro para cezas? verildi. Bu anla?maya uyulmamas? halinde Galatasaray'?n ek olarak 9 milyon Avro para cezas?yla kar?? kar??ya kalaca?? duyuruldu.
          Galatasaray'?n 2017-2018 sezonunda ?ampiyonlar Ligi oyuncu kadrosunda sadece 21 isme yer verebilece?i belirtildi. Bu rakam, finansal ?artlar?n yerine getirilmesi halinde, her y?l +1 olarak revize edilecek.!"
          Sizin ben bordo turuncu renklerinizin fosforunu...

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            Beklenen cezay? ald?lar. Y?rtt?lar

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              Vay arkada? ne lobiymis be helal olsun.bu lobiye ra?men 20 y?lda 2 avrupa kupa almalar? b?y?k ba?ar?s?zl?k.

              6 milyon euro ceza nedir ya? Fb elenirse o para zaten bunlara kayacak. Bo?a uefamafia demiyorlar.

              SM-N950F cihaz?mdan Tapatalk kullan?larak g?nderildi

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                Satt???n kadar al cezas? gelmemi?. Resmen uefada lobileri var

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                  Alabilecekleri tum cezalari almislar men haric.
                  Sattigin kadar al da yediler.

                  Yorum Yap

                    Aslı Seyithan Sakar tarafından Gönderilmiş Mesajı göster
                    Alabilecekleri tum cezalari almislar men haric.
                    Sattigin kadar al da yediler.
                    Satt???n kadar al cezas? yok.
                    Maa? k?s?tlamas? da yok.

                    Ba?kanlar? a??klad?.

                    SM-N950F cihaz?mdan Tapatalk kullan?larak g?nderildi

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                      Galatasaray SK
                      ? The settlement agreement covers the sporting seasons 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.
                      ? Galatasaray undertakes to reach full break-even compliance by monitoring period 2021/22 (i.e. reporting periods ending in 2019, 2020 and 2021).
                      ? Galatasaray agrees to report a maximum break-even deficit as reported in its forecast for the financial year ending in 2018, ?20m in financial year ending in 2019 and ?10m for the financial year ending in 2020.
                      ? Galatasaray agrees that, for the financial year ending in 2019 and for the financial year ending in 2020, the employee benefit expenses to revenue ratio, amortisation of player registrations and net bank debt level are restricted.
                      ? Galatasaray agrees to pay a total amount up to ?15m, which will be withheld from any revenues it earns from participating in UEFA competitions commencing in season 2017/18. Of this amount, ?6m shall be paid in full, irrespective of any early exit from the settlement regime. Payment of the remaining ?9m is conditional and may be withheld in certain circumstances depending on the club's compliance with the operational and financial measures imposed in the settlement agreement.
                      ? Galatasaray accepts that it will be subject to a limitation on the number of players that it may include on the A list for the purposes of participation in UEFA competitions. Specifically, for seasons 2018/19 to 2021/22, Galatasaray may only register a maximum of 21 players on the A list, instead of the potential maximum of 25 as foreseen in the relevant competition regulations. Such restriction will be lifted (for season 2019/20 to 22 players, for season 2020/21 to 23 players and for season 2021/22 to 25 players) if the club fulfils the operational and financial measures agreed with the CFCB Investigatory Chamber.
                      ? Galatasaray accepts, for the duration of the settlement agreement, a calculated limitation on the number of new registrations it may include within its A list for the purposes of participation in UEFA competitions. This calculation is based on the club's net transfer position in each respective registration period covered by the agreement. Such restriction will be lifted for season 2021/22 if the club fulfils the operational and financial measures agreed with the CFCB Investigatory Chamber.

                      Baskanlarinin ingilizcesi yok o zaman.

                      Yorum Yap

                        Satt???n kadar al cezas? olmasa ne olcak? Bundan sonra her t?rl? daha dikkatli olmak zorundalar. ?yle Drogbalar? alay?m, Sneijderleri alay?m yok art?k. Ve bu 4 sene s?recek, az bir s?re de?il.

                        Bizim art?k cezam?z bitti, bizde ?ok iyi durumda de?iliz ama en az?ndan ?imdilik bir yapt?r?mla kar?? kar??ya de?iliz..

                        Yorum Yap

                          Aslı Seyithan Sakar tarafından Gönderilmiş Mesajı göster
                          Galatasaray SK
                          ? The settlement agreement covers the sporting seasons 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.
                          ? Galatasaray undertakes to reach full break-even compliance by monitoring period 2021/22 (i.e. reporting periods ending in 2019, 2020 and 2021).
                          ? Galatasaray agrees to report a maximum break-even deficit as reported in its forecast for the financial year ending in 2018, ?20m in financial year ending in 2019 and ?10m for the financial year ending in 2020.
                          ? Galatasaray agrees that, for the financial year ending in 2019 and for the financial year ending in 2020, the employee benefit expenses to revenue ratio, amortisation of player registrations and net bank debt level are restricted.
                          ? Galatasaray agrees to pay a total amount up to ?15m, which will be withheld from any revenues it earns from participating in UEFA competitions commencing in season 2017/18. Of this amount, ?6m shall be paid in full, irrespective of any early exit from the settlement regime. Payment of the remaining ?9m is conditional and may be withheld in certain circumstances depending on the club's compliance with the operational and financial measures imposed in the settlement agreement.
                          ? Galatasaray accepts that it will be subject to a limitation on the number of players that it may include on the A list for the purposes of participation in UEFA competitions. Specifically, for seasons 2018/19 to 2021/22, Galatasaray may only register a maximum of 21 players on the A list, instead of the potential maximum of 25 as foreseen in the relevant competition regulations. Such restriction will be lifted (for season 2019/20 to 22 players, for season 2020/21 to 23 players and for season 2021/22 to 25 players) if the club fulfils the operational and financial measures agreed with the CFCB Investigatory Chamber.
                          ? Galatasaray accepts, for the duration of the settlement agreement, a calculated limitation on the number of new registrations it may include within its A list for the purposes of participation in UEFA competitions. This calculation is based on the club's net transfer position in each respective registration period covered by the agreement. Such restriction will be lifted for season 2021/22 if the club fulfils the operational and financial measures agreed with the CFCB Investigatory Chamber.

                          Baskanlarinin ingilizcesi yok o zaman.
                          Valla ?ngilizce dili edebiyati okudum ben. Transferle ilgili hi?bir madde yaz?lmam??. 20 milyon euro zarar etme yeter diyor.

                          Ama do?rudur. In?allah daha beter olurlar

                          SM-N950F cihaz?mdan Tapatalk kullan?larak g?nderildi

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                            Evet bende denk transfer butcesi gormuyorum bu aciklamada.

                            Yorum Yap

                              Aslı Doruk Kaymak tarafından Gönderilmiş Mesajı göster
                              Evet bende denk transfer butcesi gormuyorum bu aciklamada.
                              Kap?a da bildirdiler transfer kisitlamasi geldigini.

                              Yorum Yap

                                Aslı Seyithan Sakar tarafından Gönderilmiş Mesajı göster
                                Aslı Doruk Kaymak tarafından Gönderilmiş Mesajı göster
                                Evet bende denk transfer butcesi gormuyorum bu aciklamada.
                                Kap?a da bildirdiler transfer kisitlamasi geldigini.
                                Aynen gelmis! ztn gelmesede bu kadar zarara inmek icin transfer yapamayacaklardi

                                Resmi gerçek boyutunda görmek için tıklayın.

Resmin ismi:  gs.jpg
Görüntüleme: 1
büyüklüğ?:  87.5 KB
                                En son düzenleyen Doruk Kaymak; 13-06-2018, 21:32.

                                Yorum Yap
